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Zion Kingdom Vision 

“ Deliver, Restore, Empower”

Our Vision is to “Possess our Inheritance by Prophetic Intercession and yoke breaking Anointing “ according to Obadiah 1:17.
Our Mission is to minister to the Body of Christ according to Isaiah 61: 1-3 to lead her towards this goal.

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“Ascending to the Zenith of Zion”

The Lord calls His Remnant Church to “Come up higher!” ( Revelation 4:1)

Zion Ministries, Kandy, Sri Lanka was founded in March 2022 according to the Vision given by the Lord to the Founder, Dr. Himali Jayasekera. The Vision is to establish a House of Prophetic Prayer linked to Zion in every Nation, and to prepare the Remnant Church for the Rapture and to Rule with Christ at His Second Coming to establish His Kingdom Reign on Earth.
Please go through all the sections of this website so that you will understand what this ministry is about. Then kindly pray for this ministry to flourish as the Lord leads. Please contact us if you feel led to sow into this ministry. May God bless you and multiply your seed!

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Our Ministries

Zion Kingdom Missions

Transforming Lives

1. Evangelism and Discipleship 2. Prophetic Intercession and Deliverance 


Zion House of Prayer for all Nations 

Portal of Divine Blessing 

“ Ascending in Holiness” - Reinstating Worship according to the pattern of the Tabernacle of David


Zion Services -“Grounding in Wholeness”

“Zion Model Kingdom Village” - Restoring Divine Order in Creation.

Proposed Community Projects:
1. Zion Wholeness Centre. 2. Zion Warehouses 3. Zion Homes and Shelters4. Zion Food and Nutrition 5. Zion Farms and Fields 

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Want to get involved with or sow into Zion House of Prayer for all Nations? Reach out to us and we will get back to you shortly.

No 69, Dhamma Dassi Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka

+94712254971 ( Mobile), +94719767428 ( WhatsApp)

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From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of Zion House of Prayer for all Nations

June 5, 2022

Still in its infancy, I trust in the Lord to expand this initiative according to His Sovereign Will. Please pray for the Lord to bring His chosen team together to expand the ministry.I am yet to purchase a site to build the prayer house and community centre. Please pray for the Lord to provide guidance, finances, resources and helpers.

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Strategy for Expansion 

August 1, 2022

1. Possess the Gates of the Enemy by Prophetic Intercessory Warfare.2. Establish the Tabernacle of David ( 24/7 Prayer Alter) in every Nation.3. Restore the Foundations of the Church:4. Advance God’s Kingdom in the Nation.5. Be a Light to the Nations.



1. Accomplish Complete Deliverance of the disciple 2. Establish sound Scriptural Doctrine in the Church 3)  Receive Holy Spirit Baptism/ Spread the Anointing.


Complete Individual Deliverance:

1. Heal the Heart2.. Transform the Mind 3. Release the spirit  (Cast out Demons).

The first two steps will help to accomplish the third and close the doors to further demonic oppression.






Establish House Churches by locating the “ Person of Peace” in each village or community.

(A) Community Health Evangelism (CHE).

(B) Subcultural Evangelism ( SCE)

(C) Institutional Evangelism 



In the community and in secular institutions through God’s people in positions of authority.



In cooperation with the community and their local  leaders.Avoid “conquering mentality.”


“ In loyal lowly service, 

Let each from other learn,

The guardian and the guarded,

Till Christ Himself Returns “

( Hymn for Ceylon- Rev. W.S. Senior).




1 Pray the Solutions to Global Issues:

Ask to be shown supernatural solutions to natural problems.


2. Use both Natural and Supernatural Methods.


3..Be a Catalyst for Change.

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THE KINGDOM VISION for the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ on Earth

Rosh Hashanah- September 26, 2022

ISAIAH 2:2-3
“ Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s House shall be established … and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow into it. For out of Zion shall go forth the Law and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
Let me explain the symbolism of the new logo:
In the centre is the Zion House of Prayer in Jerusalem and in the periphery are the Zion Houses of Prayer in the Nations.They are all joined together  by “ley-lines” signifying spiritual alignment with the Third Heaven for blessings and government. 
The menorah or lamp-stand represents the illumination of prophetic insight, that makes the people of God a beacon of light to the world. 
The number 4 stands for “ the Door” and also for Dominion. The Cross is the Door through which we enter our journey up to the mountain-top of Zion, where there is complete deliverance, holiness and also dominion over the powers of hell. 
This is where we “possess our possessions” in Christ Jesus. Glory to God forever, amen.
( Obadiah 1:17).

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 Vision for Zion Houses of Prayer in all Nations, Illustrated

December 27, 2022

The Lord commands His Bride, “ Come up here” ( Rev. 4:1). He is asking us to come up to the spirit realm and rule with Him!  This is our preparation for the Millennial reign of Christ on earth.
Obadiah 17 states, “ In Zion there will be deliverance and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions”.
We, the Church, need complete deliverance from the influence of the dark spirit realm of Satan.  This alone would make us holy and fit to tabernacle with a holy God. 
It is then that we will actually possess and experience the full benefits of salvation, which are currently our legal possession in Christ.
We must come of age to possess our possession! 
We must heal from our soul and spirit hurts before we are able to mature to the “ full measure and stature of Christ!”
We initiate our healing process at the foot of the Cross and continue and complete it at the feet of the Holy Spirit.
1. Purification of Bloodlines:
Once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord, we must purify our bloodlines.
 The iniquity of our forefathers keep us under generational curses. We must break these curses of stagnation , poverty, disease, and premature death  in the mighty name of Jesus.
Then we must cancel all demonic covenants entered into by our forefathers, by the Covenant Blood of Christ. If not, the effects of these are carried onto us and our descendants.
2. Healing the Heart :
We must open up our hearts before Holy Spirit in the secret place and allow Him to heal our soul and spirit hurts. Some of us may need professional assistance for this process.
When Holy Spirit heals us we can release our hurts through forgiveness. There can be no true forgiveness without true healing, which only Holy Spirit can accomplish in us.
3. Transforming the Mind :
We must renounce wrong and sinful beliefs which keep us in bondage to Satan, who operates through strongholds of the mind. The weapons of our spiritual warfare, especially the Word of God, are mighty to bring down demonic strongholds of the mind. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds by being immersed in the Word of God.
4. Deliverance from demonic oppression :
When the healing process is complete, Satan loses his foothold over the soul of the disciple of Christ, making it easier to cast out demons and keep them out!
5. Releasing the spirit to be lifted up to the heavenly realms:
Once we are healed and delivered, we are free to fly! We are ready to ask Holy Spirit to lift us up on spirit wings to the  realm of glory!
Our bodies are lightened, our souls illuminated and our spirits quickened and we enter the heavenly realm to soar the heights with Holy Spirit!
Here’s to the abundant life without limitations or lack, the rest of  stressless achievement ( the anointing accomplishes it!) and eternal Union with God!
We can be in spiritual Zion while we are still on earth. Then the rapture will be inevitable!

Are we ready?

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“ Come, let us go upto Zion!” ( Jeremiah 50:5).

May 4, 2023

Man reflects the Triune Nature of God in being spirit, soul and body.
Thus Worship of God occurs at these three levels in a progression which is symbolized in the worship of the Tabernacle of David.

In man, the outer court is our body, the holy place is our soul ( thoughts, emotions and will) and the most holy place is our spirit, which joins with Holy Spirit at Salvation.
Our spirit is where the Presence of God dwells,  the Secret Place of the Most High!
As we enter the Tabernacle of Worship, we cleanse ourselves by confessing our sins and claiming the Blood of Christ for our  Redemption, as symbolised by the Brazen Alter in the Outer Court.
Then we enter the Tabernacle “ making a  joyful noise unto the Lord!” We use our bodies to worship Him, with thanksgiving and praise.
In the Holy Place our minds encounter the illumination of the Word, through which we receive a fresh revelation of our Holy God.We are “ transformed by the renewing of our minds!”
Now we are ready to offer the incense of our prayers at the Alter of Incense, drawing closer to the Most High with the understanding of our minds quickened by the Holy Spirt.Unfortunately, many traditional churches stop here, and are wary of climbing up higher into the spirit realm.
The Lion of Judah roars, “ COME UP HERE!!!”
So we lift up our arms toward our Father in Heaven, seeking to be lifted up by His Holy Spirit to the Heavenly Realms!
Then we are at the summit of Zion, in the very Presence of God!  Here we “ worship in spirit and in truth” and enter into intimate communion with Him and drink deep of the sweet wine of His Love at His banqueting table!
“ And  O what transport of delight from Thy pure Chalice floweth!”
Here we possess our possession of Heavenly Bliss, our Inheritance in Christ Jesus!

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