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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

An Eruption is Coming!

“My Power is Unleashed!” declares the Holy Spirit!

“My prophets have unleashed My Yoke-breaking Anointing on My people!

“Away with “ CHURCHIANITY”!

Away with Religious Counterfeit!

You shall no longer “sit pretty” in your church pews!

No more of “ look nice” and “ feel good” religion in My Churches, says the Lord!

“I shall unleash the Dunamis Power of My Spirit in the Churches, and they shall all fall, slain in the spirit!

“They shall scream as they are delivered from demonic oppression!

They won’t care who is watching or who is “ witching”!

“They shall rise up and shout My Praises in Church;

They shall be so drunk in the Spirit that they will dance for joy!

“ I am doing away with Traditional Church Protocol, says the Lord!

“No more of emotionless and passionless religion in My House!

I, the LORD, AM real and passionate!

“Come into passionate and intimate relationship with Me!

Partake of the Power of My Spirit and your lives will be transformed!” declares the Lord!

Amen, Come, Holy Spirit!

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