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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Cosmic Prayer

Frame your Life and your Cosmos with God’s Word in your mouth!

The Lord says He needs the Remnant Church to work together with Him in the spiritual realm by making decrees and declarations.

We need to speak to things and situations with the authority given to us by Christ and re-create our Cosmos.

1. Let’s decree the Luciferian Governmental Structure to remain paralyzed in the “ Pit of Hell” for the next Era of the Harvest of souls, until the decree of King Jesus overrules to release it for the Tribulation period.

2. Let’s release Mother Earth from her captivity to the rule of darkness and cover her with the Blood of Christ, shutting off contact with the second heaven ( the dark spirit realm).

3. Let’s release Holy Spirit and Angelic activity on the earth realm to perform miracles, signs and wonders so that the sleeping and deceived souls may awaken to the Truth of Christ.

Decree that they be granted the “ measure of faith” for the salvation of their souls.

4. Let’s command the veil of witchcraft blinding the unbelievers to be lifted, demolishing demonic strongholds of deception in their minds.

5. Let’s declare in faith the birthing of the “sons of God” on earth to end her groaning and travail and so that Creation would rejoice at the appearing of the sons of God.

6. Let’s decree for God’s blessings to be poured out on the faithful, fulfilling His promises to them over the past years!

7. Let’s decree the springing up of “Zion Houses of Prayer” in the Nations, thus erecting the Zionic Governmental Structure, in alignment to the Third Heaven, establishing the rule of God on earth.



JESUS CHRIST AND HIS RULE ESTABLISHED on earth as it is in heaven!!


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