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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

InFaith Receive from Him

PUT GOD’S LAWS IN MOTION to receive from Him!

LAW NO 1- The Law of Attraction ( Matthew 6:33).

We are Co-Creators with God!

PARAPHRASING Matt. 6:33 in contemporary secular- scientific jargon:

Create within yourself the “ Divine Mindset “ and live within the Energy Field ( electromagnetic field) thus created around you ( the Divine Atmosphere), which will automatically attract toward you Divine Blessings!

Get away from Religious Mindsets!

Do not separate and divide, but assimilate and blend into a coherent whole, all the divine wisdom imparted to different groups of people throughout history! ( different spiritual and secular disciplines).

IT IS HIGH TIME we stopped living in the separation caused by DULALITY ( dividing into parts) and embrace the whole of divine wisdom to become WHOLE!

Exchange human duality for Divine Wholeness!

Exchange the “ Understanding of the human mind “ for the “ Wisdom of God”.

For the wisdom of the world ( or of satan, the prince of this world) is foolishness to God !.

( 1 Cor. 3: 17-19).

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