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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Introducing Myself

I am a Psychiatrist working in a Government Hospital in Sri Lanka. I am from an Anglican Christian background, but later received Immersion Baptism and Holy Spirit Baptism. I served as the President of the Christian Association as a school prefect and as Treasurer of the Youth Fellowship in my church. I was an active member of the Student Christian Movement in the University.

I have been a member of Healthcare Christian Fellowship since my Medical Internship. I was trained and mentored by them for hospital ministry. I have led Bible Study groupsin hospitals for Catholic and Christian hospital staff since 2013 and Evangelical Outreach groups for non- Christian hospital staff since 2017. Currently I lead a Christian Foundation group for new Christians who came to know the Lord through my outreach groups. My husband and I have also held house meetings to train church volunteers for hospital ministry.

In 2020, the Lord bestowed upon me a prophetic anointing and in 2021, He led me to start ab24/7 intercessory prayer group to pray for the nation and the church in Sri Lanka according to Obadiah 1:17. The Lord led me to this Bible verse after my prayer partner had a vision of us reaching a very high place in the spirit as we prayed. He showed me that this high place was the very summit of Zion, where there is complete deliverance and where we would possess our inheritance in the Lord.

In 2022, He expanded my vision to intercede for the nations and be linked with Zion House of Prayer for all Nations in Jerusalem and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. He gave me a vision of such prayer houses linked to the Jerusalem prayer house in every nation of the world.

I started a Facebook page in faith and then proceeded to build a website. I pray that the Lord’s vision for the nations will speedily come to fruition.

He keeps impressing upon my spirit the following words and phrases, starting from 2018: Time is short! Wake up! Focus!

Acceleration! There is no time to waste!”

I believe these words are not just for me, but for the worldwide church!

May the Church heed the Word of the Lord!

May God bless you all richly.

In Christ,

Dr. Himali Jayasekera

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