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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Prophetic Vision for Sri Lanka

Updated: Aug 13, 2022


I had a vision during worship. I was in the spirit and I saw God on His Throne in Heaven. Jesus was seated at the right hand of God. He was smiling as He spoke with the Father.

There were numerous angels standing on either side of a flight of steps leading from heaven to earth. They worshipped God and I joined them.

Then I saw Sri Lanka in front of me, upside down, and I prayed, "Lord, please remove her shame". The Angels started pulling Sri Lanka up to heaven with two ropes. Then they crucified Sri Lanka on a wooden Cross, right side up. Then they immersed her in water and raised her back up.

Then I saw Sri Lanka back in the Indian Ocean, shining brightly, with rays of light spreading out of her on all sides. The Holy Spirit impressed upon my spirit that these things will soon come to pass. All praise, honour and glory be unto God. Amen.


The Church in Sri Lanka represents Sri Lanka before God. She is upside-down or in the flesh, and so in shame before God and man.

The Lord wants to turn the church right side up and remove her shame. For this the church must be crucified with Christ- crucify the flesh and die to self and worldliness, and be born of the Spirit.

Then she will worship in spirit and truth. Then she can stand before God and man without shame. Then she will shine as a light to the world.

Amen. Glory be to God.

Dr. Himali Jayasekera

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