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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Prophetic Word for September 2022

Israel celebrates the Jewish New Year “ Rosh Hashana” or the Feast of Trumpets from 25th to 27th September, starting the Jewish year 5783 ( Gregorian year 2023).

This is a Day of Judgement to the whole world, starting with the House of God.

The Rapture of the true Church is also said to occur on such a day as this!

This is also a time when the world is being prepared for the second coming of Christ!

God is sending His forerunners out with the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Spirit of the Lord says to the Churches:

“ Take heed! The Great Separation is happening! It is happening speedily.

Get ready to run!”

“ I AM preparing My Bride!

I AM giving her the ability to move with the speed of Holy Spirit.”

“ Run and enter into My House!

Shut the door behind you!

In My House you will be provided for.”

“Those outside will decline speedily and what a great fall that will be!”

“ Those who have ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches!”

This message is for the Church.

According to the Parable of the Ten virgins ( Matthew 25:1-13), “those outside” are the foolish virgins without enough oil - or Holy Spirit).

For those who fear missing the Rapture:

All we can do is surrender to Him in wholehearted repentance and faith. This is not something we can do for ourselves.

If we miss the rapture, it is still the same. All we can do is repent and commit ourselves fully to Him. He is able to keep you faithful. Make sure you don’t take the ‘ Mark of the Beast!

DO NOT FEAR! Fear is the opposite of Faith. Fear is from Satan. REJECT HIM!

May God Quicken you!


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