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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Restoration of Divine Order


" New levels of Light are coming to enlighten My people to My Truth!

Stop eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil ( Understanding of the human mind)! Start eating from the Tree of Life

( Divine Wisdom) and be healed! "

The Pharmaceutical Industry is bound up with the god of Mammon.

It is a Masonic system of Satan worship driven by Satan!

The original Hippocratic Oath is a demonic Covenant of Death!

Pharmaceuticals cause bondage to this system while killing you slowly with toxins, reducing your lifespan!

We have been taught a lie from the pit of Hell !

"Cut off the head of that snake, Aescalapius!" (The pagan god of medicine, originating in Egypt and adopted by Greece. Such a temple was situated in Pergamos, which was called the 'Seat of Satan!'

“ Cut it off before it kills you,” says the Lord! “ For those who live and practice a lie cannot see the Kingdom of God manifest on earth!

( Cannot experience the wholeness of divine healing).

Physicians, Do not give up on your goal to help and heal; just adopt the divine method!

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ! We are saved by grace!

Physicians are not evil but Satan’s deception is!

“ Come out from among them and be ye separate,” says the Lord!

For the Lord wants to use the Healing Professions to heal the Nations!

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