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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Sinless Service & Sacrifice

Updated: May 4, 2023

“ The FEAR ( Reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” ( Proverbs 9:10).

“Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness” ( Psalm 96:9).

The Church loves the Lord and wants to serve Him, but her services are tarnished with sin!

God cannot accept “ Sinful Sacrifices “ and has to reject these as He did the sacrifice of Cain!

We cannot do God’s work the devils’s way!

Two major prerequisites for acceptable service to God are :

1. Reverence

2. Holiness

We must learn to worship and serve Him with HOLY FEAR if we expect Him to show up in all His glory!

If not, when the Holy Spirit or the “Glory of God” comes upon us , we will be burnt up due to our sin, for the Spirit of God is a consuming fire! ( Hebrews 12:29).

Satan has deceived the Church and lulled her into to complacency by highlighting the Love of God without balancing it with His Holiness and Justice!


Satan has effectively derailed a the heaven-bound train of the Church to the hell-bound track by this “ hyper-grace theology” which is a lie from the pit of hell!

  1. Let’s cultivate the “spirit of the fear of the Lord” ( Isaiah 11:2) :

This is the key for the other six spirits of God ( the gifts of the spirit) to begin to operate in our lives!

God does not give His Spirit ( Himself) to those who have little or no respect for Him! WHY SHOULD HE?

2. Our reverence for God is shown out in our HOLINESS ( Separation from Sin) and OBEDIENCE ( instant and unconditional).

PLEASE NOTE that delayed or partial obedience is tantamount to DISOBEDIENCE!

Do we trust the Lord enough to give Him our unquestioning obedience?

TRUE AND ACCEPTABLE WORSHIP to God must be in spirit and in truth:

Truth in the inward parts (Psalm 51:6) -


and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord! -


Let’s cultivate these qualities in our lives with help from Holy Spirit! He is our Helper, but we must desire and ask for His help!

TRUE WORSHIP ushers in the Presence of God and shifts the atmosphere to Supernatural !

Let us yearn to see the glory of God in our lives and draw near to Him daily in the Secret Place!


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