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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

The Final Pentecost and the Final Harvest!

Updated: May 16, 2023

(Joel 2:28 onwards).

Holy Spirit urges the Church to be ready for His coming!

He wants us to be believing, expectant and aligned to receive Him!

We need to invite Him to visit us in all His power and glory !

This time, there will be no half measures!

He is coming to prepare the Church for the Rapture.

Those who are doubting, distracted and unwilling to surrender fully to His power will be by-passed and left behind!

Those who are ready and waiting for Him, willing to surrender fully to His power, would be quickly made to grow and elevate spiritually in readiness for the Rapture.

We have about 3 1/2 months from Pentecost ( May 28th) to The Feast of Trumpets ( Sept. 15-17) when the Rapture is supposed to happen.

This is no time to be speculating about dates, but be ready year in and year out, for the time is nigh!

So be serious and diligent in prayer and worship, just like the first century believers in the upper room who witnessed the first Pentecost!

May Holy Spirit Himself convict and convince you!

During the coming two weeks before Pentecost:

1. Pray in tongues as much as possible, as these are perfect Holy Spirit prayers! These edify you and make you ready.

If you still don’t have the gift, ask and receive! There is no time to lose.

2. Pray for the peace of Israel and that all Israel may be saved.

3. Pray that we, the Church, may behold and experience the glory of God in our lives!


Dr Himali.

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