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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

The Forerunners


These are the days of Elijah!

These are the days of John the Baptist- My forerunners!

You longed for My appearing, so I have appeared in you!

You and I are one in spirit!

You are hid in Christ and Christ in God.

Let this be your confidence as you go out in My name!

I have come to put My House in order!

I AM cutting off the Counterfeit in My Church!

Their impure lives have attracted the spirit of Baal- the spirit of cheap gain.

They want what others have!

They have not tended their own gardens.

They shall be cut off and burned in the fiery furnace of affliction.

Take up your whip!

Overturn the tables!

Chase out the money mongers, the immoral ,the idolaters

and the “religious spirits “ that turn Me off !

They are always about other people’s business, never their own!

Envious gossipers and backbiters: greedy for gain.

My anger burns against them!

Clean-up My House!

Clean up, I say!!


The Church is in overt and covert rebellion!

This is the End-time apostate church.


Come out into the liberty of the spirit !

Then My Spirit wind will come rushing in and sweep you off your feet!

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