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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera

Timely Word from the Lord!

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

God’s Prophets/prophetesses may often sound “rude, crude, rash or just plain crazy”

Just like John the Baptist!

Our first reaction may be to reject them in our outraged disgusted or hurt feelings!

Take heed !

The Lord is sending in His Forerunners ( Elijahs and Deborahs) in this season to shake the foundations of the traditional church ( akin to the establishment of the Pharisees of the time of Jesus)!

And He will use the most unlikely vessels for His divine purposes- usually from outside the establishment of the traditional church- so that they are at risk of being seen as rebels, just like Jesus was!


The Lord is separating His Remnant Church ( wheat) from the Worldly Church ( weeds) in this season.

The “Spirit-filled Church “ ( the five wise virgins with extra oil) is being separated from the “Mind-full church” ( the five foolish virgins who ran out of oil). Only the Spirit-filled will go in with the Lord! The rest will be cast into the outer darkness!

This is Serious!

Let us not deceive ourselves that our fleshly minds/ reasoning can make it to heaven!

We need to be born of the spirit and endowed with the gifts of the spirit to be able to navigate/ operate in the spirit realm and win the spiritual war that besets us, if we ever hope to enter the highest spirit-realm where God is- which we call Heaven.

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” ( John 4:24).

Church Awake!

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