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  • Writer's pictureHimali Jayasekera


Updated: Oct 13, 2022

The Freemasons and Illumina’te’ are secret satanic organizations that rule the world, it’s cities, it’s nations, it’s leaders and peoples by an organizational structure linked to the second heaven where Lucifer and the fallen angels live.

The blueprint for this structure which links the tall towers, state buildings and places of religious worship ( including cathedrals) by “ley-lines” has been given by Lucifer the Master Architect ( Mason) to the Freemasons.

Remember the Tower of Babel. This Babylonian organizational structure is the " Mystery Babylon" of Revelation!!

Satan has stolen the wisdom of God in the blueprint for the Temple in Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem!

God is revealing this to us so that we, the Remnant Church, make warfare prayer, bringing down this Babylonian structure.

We must annul the demonic covenants by which their rule is executed by the Covenant Blood of Jesus. We must demolish this structure by the mightiest Name of Jesus.

Let’s do this!!!

Then we must be His forerunners and go on to establish the Kingdom Rule of Christ on earth. Using God's blueprint, we must erect Houses of Prayer in our cities and nations that are linked to the third heaven where God lives through “ Zion House of Prayer” in Jerusalem. At His second coming, Christ will rule from Zion for a 1000 years!

This is the plan of God for the Kingdom Age which He has been revealing to me over the past two years!

Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

Maranatha !

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